Heriberto Juárez was born in San Juan Teotihuacan, State of Mexico, and it was precisely there, land of pyramid builders and legendary sculptors, where he took his first lessons on artistic pottery, sculpture and drawing which helped him acquire the knowledge and skills he materializes in his work perform on chromium plated iron and tin, onyx, marble, bronze... The quality, strength, expressive ability and good taste found in his work have taken him through important galleries and museums around the world and have made him worthy of recognition as one of the prominent artists who have collaborated most different cultural fields in Mexico. In addition to the fertile production of sculptural pieces Juárez Castañeda's work includes drawing, construction of monuments and to a lease degree but with the same qualities, panting. In these regards, Berta Taracen, whose opinion is acknowledged in the artistic space says: "His historical-humanistic tendency, in agreement with the society it serves, does not resign to topical and futuristic categories, but enhances the message and content of perfect technics, considering that technology, in the widest sense of the word, is the central problem of this age and praxis of the actions of modern man; having as a result a Juárez who is characteristically a Mexican artist, who makes of his technics and craftsmanship part of the historical and spiritual order without rendering them obsolete". A highlighted part of his work and probably the most widespread is constituted by his pieces, in different materials, on bullfight subjects; magical and sometimes cryptical world which he deeply knows, due to his experience as a bullfighter while he was a young man. Along his already broad trajectory, Heriberto Juárez has been chosen to represent Mexican Art in shows, exhibitions and events of the highest world level. He has been granted scholarships to enrich his already vast knowledge of technics and artistic avant gard concepts. He has been selected to construct important monuments in the national and international ambits as well...
Harriet Whitney Frishmuth was born on September 17, 1880 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. A student of such renowned artists as Auguste Rodin and Gutzon Borglum, Frishmuth's reputation and career grew steadily throughout the first several decades of the twentieth century, with exhibitions at the National Academy of Design, the Academy of Fine Arts in Philadelphia, the Salon in Paris, the Golden Gate International Exposition (1939-1940) and the National Association of Women Painters and Sculptors. Her favorite models were dancers, especially Desha Delteil - immortalized in Frishmuth's most famous work, The Vine - a model particularly popular with artists for her ability to hold difficult poses for long periods of time. The final exhibits of Frishmuth's work took place in New York City in 1929, but she remained active in the art world for many years following. Frishmuth passed away in 1980 at the age of 99. A proponent of the Beaux Arts style - Frishmuth was exceptionally critical of modern art, often calling it "spiritless" - her works can now be seen in some of the world's leading museums and collections, including the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City, the Dallas Museum of Art, and Ohio University's Kennedy Museum of Art.